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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Woah, woah, woah. Here I am just spitting poorly thought out ramblings and you come back with coherent argument! :D

    So yes, I totally agree. There is no good old days! Workers were treated like shit. Working in modern day WFH, to put it simply, I’m pampered.

    I cite this graph more in context of nobody below a certain age being reasonably able to afford a house (or anything really), unless their parents make the down payment.

    “oppression under capital has existed for centuries, not decades.”, yes the parallels between today and serfdom are evident, apart from the rather much better living standard (for most of us).

    Gold standard sucks, I am just advocating for a new and different system, certainly not an old and worse one!

    So I wholeheartedly agree with you.

  • Bókagleypir Hann Guðmundur á Mýrum borðar bækur, það byrjaði upp á grín og varð svo kækur. Núorðið þá vill hann ekkert annað, alveg sama þó að það sé bannað.

    Hann lætur ekki nægja kafla og kafla, hann kemst ekki af með minna en heilan stafla. Hann er víða í banni á bókasöfnum, en beitir gerviskeggi og fölskum nöfnum.

    Hann gleypir í sig feitar framhaldssögur og fær sér inn á milli stuttar bögur. Hann telur víst að maginn muni skána í mörgum við að bíta í símaskrána.

    Hann segir: Þó er best að borða ljóð, en bara reyndar þau sem eru góð.

    And for all you plebes who don’t speak the OG language of badass war poetry:

    Guðmundur on Myrar, a book-eater by fate, Began as a joke, but now he won’t abate. Only wants words now, doesn’t care if it’s banned, Breaks the rule just to get a full book in his hand.

    He’s not about chapters, a whole tome he’ll digest, Banned from libraries, yet he still passes the test. Fake beards and aliases, his crafty, sneaky way, To gorge on more volumes, keeps librarians at bay.

    Thick sequels he swallows, short stories for a snack, Thinks his stomach may shine, with a phone book to attack. He says, “Eating poems is the best, they’re a hit, But only, of course, if they’re wittily writ.”