Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

  • 14 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • I love their fake wood.

    I was traveling sometime around 10 years ago when I waltzed into a music shop and looked around. I saw some neat instruments, and I remember seeing an upright bass that looked just a bit off.

    Turns out it was made out of Aluminum and it was made towards the end of WWII to put on ships as a set of big band instruments to entertain sailors. The wood pattern was pretty slick, though just a bit off from what I’d expect.

  • Thats great! I was raised christian, and in my younger years I remember doing stuff like that all the time, but by the time I left christianity and went to college, that volunteer group fell apart, and I don’t believe my old church does that stuff anymore.

    The city near me has some churches that let people use their land for community fridges and stuff, but that’s about as far as most christians go near me. That same city does have a radical pacifist christian group that I might reach out to if I start a FNB there, since they organize a ton of pro-Palestine protests.

    It’s just I’ve been in christian areas where the people genuinely don’t give a fuck about their neighbors (looking at you, midwestern us), and it’s weird to me that they claim to love jesus but do not engage with his teachings in their life, and only use the hierarchy established by religion for political reasons. Instead, I turned to non-christians for mutual aid

  • I find it real funny that a food not bombs I used to volunteer at a few years back had no christians in it. Just atheists, pagans, muslims, and jews.

    Like, the people who worship Jesus, a person who would love the idea of people making food for the needy, did not participate.

    I mean, I might have seen some radical catholics show up if I was living in an area with more catholics, but that wasn’t the case. For whatever reason the only radical (left wing/anti-war) christians I’ve ever met have been deeply catholic.

  • A few of these feel like they were said about conservatives but holy shit did you hit the nail on the head with property damage and corpo rep.

    Like “you have to accept the election result” is a liberal thing to say, but the “no matter the cost” bit is something a conservative would say when their dickbag is winning. Things like “protesters are just mad they lost the election” or “Antifa are the real fascists” or “Police repression is A-ok” are all things I’d more much more likely hear from a conservative than a liberal.

    Notably, it is missing the separation of protestors into “good protestors” and “bad protestors,” which is what I associate with liberals talking about protestors. Most liberals feel bad watching a young kid getting brutalized by the cops, but if they can abjectify them by separating them into good and bad protestor dichotomy, thats how they can say police repression is A-ok.

    Honestly, you should just draw parallels between the liberal response to the pro-palestine encampments, since they responded similarly

    • “those people are probably outside agitators, they knew what they were getting into, and therefore the police action was justified”
    • “those antifa kids are the bad protestors ruining our peaceful protests!”
    • “<parroting police report uncritically>”

    Also, the protests here were pretty violent in some cities and at at some points, but in practically every case the violence began with the police, as you’d probably expect if you paid attention to history.

    The nonviolent ones were only nonviolent if you ignored the police response to them, though a few token peaceful marches with minimal police presence happened here and there.

    And for full disclosure, I don’t consider property damage violent unless it was done solely for the purposes of threatening someone. Smashing a cop car up isn’t violent, but breaking a window and spraying hateful graffiti is violent.

  • “Zionists” = Jews, an entire people.

    Unfortunately, zionism is not equivalent to a group of people. Zionism, at least in this context, is a geopolitical position, not an ethnic or religious group.

    To consider an entire population of people one-dimensional and hold a political position is harmful. I literally said this exact thing in an earlier comment.

    Zionism, at least in this context…

    To elaborate on this point, I’ll describe it in this context, and then describe it being used as an antisemitic dog whistle, so we should be on the same page.

    In this context, zionism is a political ideology based around settler colonialism, and it led to the founding of Israel, among many, many other consequences.

    The meme points out a really annoying tendency that I, as a queer person, and many others have seen when supporting palestine where pro-israel people will go “lol why do you support hamas, they will literally torture you and kill you for being LGBT” even though it is pro-palestine, not pro-hamas.

    In the antisemitic dogwhistle context, it is simply used as a stand-in for “the jews”. If you think this is the context people on the left are using, you lack all forms of critical reasoning.

    Based on what you said, this meme would indeed be racist if you view it from the antisemitic dogwhistle context. But it isn’t coming from there. To try and conflate the two is just trying to conflate opposition to a geopolitical position with racism.