reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Have you even looked at the power curve of solar system output? You’re being obtuse.

    Plus you seem to have completely ignored the last portion of my comment.

    I rarely had months where I zeroed out my bill since I was in an area where credits weren’t a thing. My overproduction was sold back at ~$0.03 per kWh. I had to buy at ~$0.12.

    You can be snarky if you like. You’re still wrong if you think that’s enough to cover summer days.

  • This was in west Texas so yeah, basically desert.

    I fully agree - every thread like this has people coming out of the woodwork claiming they’d simply die if their house isn’t =< 65f. Maybe it’s because we’re so fat?

    25c/77f is a perfectly reasonable temperature to have your house at. If I lived alone, it’d be 78 in the summer.

  • In relation to how much power you’re going to make.

    Are you buying batteries? Unless you’re buying a whole lot of them ($$$) you’re not even making it one night running your AC like that.

    I spent $10k on a whole home battery and it got me 1/3 of my average daily power use.

    I stress average because summers were double that, sometimes 2.6x.

  • Which ones? I’m on the VA one and USAjobs quite a lot and have had no issues with Firefox.

    A link would be helpful.

    But tbh that’s not a great example. If we’re talking an about orgs like the DoD, they have a horrendous track record. Some of their shit still required IE after it was deprecated.

    I was in the Air Force and worked as a contractor for years after.