• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • I wonder…

    How much total value (liquid, real estate, financial instruments, commodities) that are part of the US economy are owned by Chinese nationals? What would happen if they started just selling it all and selling the currency to American holders of foreign currencies?

    What if they did this as the BRICS currency comes online?

    What if they sold all their US commerical real estate holdings?

    I get the feeling the USA is about to experience a very rapid decline in the run up to 2030.

    We’re already seeing coastal housing markets about to collapse as insurers write them off entirely.

    Can you imagine if peak oil gets validated at the same time?

    This is real bad for the USA. Let’s hope the solution isn’t Kissingerian.

  • Don’t forget, 70 years ago China was just finished fighting a bloody civil war and kicking out the Japanese, French, British, and Americans while negotiating the loss of Taiwan and Hong Kong after a century of war, devastation, and domination by foreign countries. The average wage in China was the lowest in the world. In 70 years, they’ve ended biannual famines, rebuilt their country, negotiated autonomy for multiple cultures in their border, secured that border against constant threat and harassment, and achieved a higher purchasing power parity than the richest country in the world. 70 years! We saw China’s commitment to public health during the pandemic. We’re going to see a constant improvement in health outcomes for at least another 30 years as China moves towards its 2050 targets.

  • I think it’ll be a net new thing. The US military will fight skirmishes against a dozen different militaries in multiple oceans, and at some point will end up fighting itself as well.

    Domestically Americans will be dealing with paramilitaries running wild with attempts to purge the unpatriotic and counter paramilitaries trying to stop them. The military/NatGuard will end up deployed domestically but won’t have total spatial control so a lot of surveillance and recon will be done by local police.

    All the domestic forces will break rank piecemeal across time and join with the paramilitary groups that first meet their ideological needs and then eventually their material needs. This will continue until something decisive happens in the oceans. Either the US military breaks at which point the mainland will see a hard push for a new central power structure to run a guerilla war against the inevitable invasion of the mainland by a coalition of the anti-imperialist, or the US military purges their splitters and wins decisive victories (even if it uses nukes) and then a battle between domestic fascists and domestic communists will emerge.

    The worst case scenario is the US decisively winning against the world with WMDs, because that will almost certainly suppress the domestic communist movement for another 2 generations, which prevents an anti-imperialist consensus from moving forward along any pathway.

    The best case scenario is a decades long world war where the North Atlantic becomes encircles by an anti-imperialist consensus and then Europe eventually flips and the final project becomes dismantling the USA over a period of years while all the citizens fight amongst themselves.

  • these are incompatible with Altanticism

    I don’t think this is a problem. I think we would just end up with neo-atlanticism, which would be characterized not by a shared ideology so much as by total dominance of Europe by the US which would be made possible by the divide-and-conquer structure of various intra-European antagonisms. With Russia on the threshold, the material and ideological conditions for these antagonisms to prevent cohesion except where necessary to prop up a proxy like Poland would, in my estimation, be quite ripe. The only real solution to this from the European perspective would be a form of intra-European collaboration for survival, but I don’t think this could manifest within the current structure.

    Another aspect is that Europe is no longer the primary concern for US because US sees China as their main competitor

    Europe isn’t a primary concern, it’s a continental proxy.

    I expect that US will simply leave Europe hanging because they’re going to be forced to allocate resources towards Asia.

    They need Europeans to die in the war. The US cannot fight China with its own bodies.

  • I’m always trying to look for evidence against my own beliefs to try to get a more accurate picture of the world. It seems unlikely that there would have been a doctrinal shift under Obama to counter near-peer rivals without an attendant increase in weapons production. That would be sort of obviously silly. The noise about lack of production capacity in the West, I fear, is disinformation. No one in the West is thinking about countering China, with its massive quantity advantage in manufacturing and in labor power and just sitting around not thinking about production capacity.