I am devastated that I got rid of my 2000s HP LaserJet (with Ethernet). Only flaw it had was that it didn’t have a duplexer.
I am devastated that I got rid of my 2000s HP LaserJet (with Ethernet). Only flaw it had was that it didn’t have a duplexer.
“Please, please, ladies — one at a time. No seriously, one at a time, the global interpreter lock can’t handle more than that.”
Only joking. Sorta…
My kiddo is just a toddler, but in our VHCOL area, at this age the only thing that really matters is childcare expenses. If we had family/grandparents taking care of them, the additional cost would be pretty minimal, in the scheme of things.
The max contribution to dependent FSA (tax free account for daycare) is a joke, less than 2mo of care.
The material things we’ve needed probably amount to less than one month of daycare expenses (diapers notwithstanding).
Saving for college, on the other hand…
I’d love to see something like ballot included in tax returns (for folks who don’t otherwise request a ballot). Near-mandatory voting, with abstaining being allowed.
Certain crops can benefit think from some shade throughout the day:
The study aggregates the effect of agrivoltaics on crop yields at different sites. Tomatoes saw up to double yield with agrivoltaics, while wheat, cucumbers, potatoes and lettuce showed significant negative impacts and corn and grapes showed minimal impact.
I assume that maximal crop output would happen if you just grow things in their optimal climate, but then you rely more heavily on transportation.
Apparently an unpopular take, but wouldn’t the world (or at least, this country…) be a better place if the folks who became cops were the type of people who were also considering being a librarian?
Basically it seems like the ACAB mindset is in part self-fulfilling: “cops are bastards , I’m not a bastard, therefore I won’t be a cop.” Ok, so now some bastard who is less qualified than you becomes a cop, with no competition from you.
I get that the institution of policing in this country is deeply flawed; but is what we’re currently doing really working?
Maybe a progressive, grass roots “infiltration” of the police is doomed to fail, I dunno. But I’m not sure we’ll ever find out.
Well if you throw a party with 800 people surely someone will know how?
At the hospital, one of the nurses joked that whenever a fellow medical professional walked past a newborn they’d always ask for a hit of that new baby smell. Coke for the neonatal wing of the hospital.
If your baby predominantly smells like shit, you may need to be changing diapers more often…
That’s…not what (many) babies smell like most of the time.
I wonder if this is width at waterline vs. overall width confusion?
I always thought backwards-compatible FM stereo was pretty cute — transmit L+R channels as before, so they can be picked up and played without trouble with mono equipment, and transmit L-R separately. Just add or subtract to get the L or R channels.
Don’t believe me? Just google “Trump Stormy Rule 34.”
Disappointed that there was no “Rule 34” reference. I expected more from this community…
I just tried that and got the same result. It’s from a site that just quotes a snippet of an Onion article 🤦
Wikipedia page has some explanation.
There’s also this gem:
In October 2016, McDonald’s decided that Ronald McDonald would keep a lower profile as a result of the incidents.
That said, a 16 year old was killed in relation to these incidents, so not completely fun and games.
Docker and git I think.
You can also take a fairly selfish view and come to the same conclusion. Like, I don’t want to see homeless encampments, or really sick and untreated people, or panhandlers, or (…) while I’m walking around in my city. I can solve this problem by 1) moving to a nice suburb, or 2) having my tax dollars go to fix a problem that affects me. 1) is off the table because I want to live in the city, and 2) — while it helps the greater good — also helps me directly. (2 can also be addressed in a draconian fashion, which is not what I’m advocating at all.)
I think one problem is looking at things as zero sum. It’s not. If you are healthy and housed and fed then you’re not — to be very crass — an eyesore, you’re adding to the fabric of the city. I want street musicians who are playing for fun, not because they’re trying to make enough to afford dinner.