tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If an average person is constantly subjected to food insecurity, lacking access to clean water and sanitation, lacking medical treatment, random injury and death through constant bombings, random injury and death of relatives and friends through constant bombings and limited access to education and working opportunities, how likely are they able to concern themselves with social progress?

    If we look at western countries, social progress came in times of relative safety and wealth for the broad population, while reactionary politics came in times, where these were lowered or cut. It is no coincidence that reactionary politicians combine economic hardship for the masses with scapegoating and fighting against minorities.

    The way to progressive politics in Gaza is paved with working infrastructure, proper access to basic needs and a perspective for social and personal development.

  • So you stop for gas in the middle of fucking nowhere, the vest doesn’t get an internet conenction for veryfying your subscription and you are fucked, even as a paying customer.

    It still boils down to a complex and much easier failing system, that could deny you critical safety features. I mean this also adds an entirely new dimension of hackability. Someone could hack into the server for the subcription verification and deliberately mess it up, or depending how poorly it is coded, could even access the vests of customers during their ride and disable them.

    The system to trigger the airbag should never ever have a remote connection of any sort.

  • That is bullshit. If they want to lower the price by renting it out, they could perfectly well licencese local dealers to rent it out, who can go after the customer in the same way, like they could for people who rented vehicles and didnt pay/return them.

    The subscription based model instead proves that the production costs cannot be that high, that in case of a run out subscription, they’d rather lose the product.

    Also the development costs of the subscription and the technical equipment to validate subscriptions, including running the servers etc. are a significant cost factor, without which they could lower the price of the product.

  • Leaving all the discussion about the sketchy marketing, financing etc. aside.

    Why the fuck would you buy a bundle, that gives you everything in a game from the very start? The whole enjoyment of a sandbox space game comes from working your way up and feeling accomplished when you finally get to control the ship you always dreamt of, or have your indsutry and trade empire developed.

    If you already buy everything from the start, there will be nothing to accomplish and nothing to enjoy.

  • The point i am trying to make is that you are not being allowed to do any of these, if the company has any reasonable security in place.

    So the settings you can change are things anyone can change on a windows machines just as easily using the GUI. So customizeability by the end user is not a characteristic that makes an OS “industrial”. Linux distros are not “industrial” because they are customizeable by the end user and most companies run windows computers outside the IT and backend, even though a linux system could do the same without any problem for the end user.

  • So you are saying, that you can install and uninstall any software by yourself?

    You can access the company network, and network drives without any sandbox?

    You can install or remove browser plugins?

    You can create or remove local users with custom access rights and gain administrator rights for your local installation?

    You can put any program you like into the autostart and quit any processes you like?

    You can install drivers for any periphal hardware you are connecting and you can mount any external drive you want?

  • I find this differentiation difficult. Most companies run Windows computers in their non IT office functions. The ones that don’t mostly use Mac OS.

    Given that any reasonable company IT is not allowing any User modifications on the systems and distributes white listed applications only, it would be perfectly viable to run Linux on every company computer. If something is broken, the User would call IT or write a ticket. No sane IT department lets 55 year old Jane from accounting anywhere near a command prompt.

    Customizeability does not make an OS “industrial”. 99% of the Users in an industry setting are not supposed to customize anything on their computer aside from maybe the desktop background.

  • Hormone active (endokrine) substances are a real problem in ecology in particular in regards towaste water treatment. They often can already take effect on ng/l concentrations.

    They are not put there deliberately to turn frogs gay, but they are the result of necessary uses like hormone treatment and unecessary uses like hormonal contraception or use in cosmetics.

    I have no doubt that it was presented poorly by Jones and with ulterior motives, but endokrine substances emitted by human activities are a serious issue.