Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

    1 year ago

    That raises a question - is there a mechanism for a community creator to hand over mod rights to others?

    I was considering doing something like you describe, not because I want to be in charge (I definitely don’t) but to try and start to recreate some of the Reddit subs I really enjoyed which didn’t already exist here.

    I’ve made one for MST3K (, but I don’t particularly want to be a mod, I just wanted it to exist in order to give Reddfugees more incentive to stick around. Was considering doing the same for other things - Twin Peaks, David Lynch, Scottish Football, Dance music, etc, but I don’t want it to seem like a power grab.

    EDIT - I discovered an answer to this: a mod can make anyone who has commented on a community into a mod of that community using the three dot menu on one of their comments:

    Not sure whether that would let the second mod kick the first mod off though, or whether the community creator retains access regardless.

      1 year ago

      Honestly no idea, I’m not a mod of anything so you’re better placed to know if there’s a way to do that.

      I do think there’s a discussion to be had around whether it’s actually valuable to have all these empty communities sitting around though. Yeah, people might recognise the name and maybe even sub, but if there’s literally nothing in them then what’s the point?

      Those are the ones I have a problem with. To be clear, the ones set up by people who attempt to seed content and get conversations going (like yours, I see!) are absolutely what this place needs. But the empty ones are growing in number and clogging things up in searches, making Lemmy as a whole look emptier.

        1 year ago

        I guess over time those empty ones will either get going or die off. Hopefully most are “build it and they will come” type deals.

        Fair point re mod tools/options, I’ll try and work it out!

        EDIT - found it:

        I’m using Jerboa, and I don’t think those mod options are available yet, but in a browser I was able to do it if I wanted.

          1 year ago

          Nice. Waiting for the first “meant to ban someone but misclicked and made them mod” complaints to start rolling in from them being so close together lol