does anyone know how I can overcome anxiety/embarrassment talking on the phone like calling

    11 months ago
    1. If you’re calling for a specific reason, like ordering food or whatever, write down what you want (plus any questions you have) ahead of time.

    2. If they ask you something that you’re not expecting or don’t understand, it’s ok to take a bit of time to think or ask them what they mean.

    3. Practice your intro or write it down if you need to. Something as simple as “Hello, I’m calling to make an appointment with Dr. Jones”, or “Hi, I’d like to place an order”, or whatever.

    4. And as a general anxiety tip, know that it’s always worse just before you do something. Most of the things we worry about never end up happening, and sometimes when they happen they aren’t that big of a deal.

    5. Take a second to remind yourself that what you’re doing is super normal, and so is making mistakes or being a bit awkward. The people who you’re talking to are used to dealing with all different kinds of strangers on the phone, including a lot of people with anxiety, hearing/speaking problems, etc.