Make sure you do this in a non identifiable way. This is illegal and you can get fucked. Do not have it associated with your account at all.
My cat also doesn’t test their backups regularly.
The whole “Buddy, they won’t even let me fuck the flag” might be my internet joke.
This makes me happy that I don’t use genai
I think reviews by slavers is suspect
There is a literal nazi who chose the name Augustus Invictus and I will call him that as I wish for him the absolute worst. He is on trial so hopefully he gets the worst.
There is some percentage of people that simple can not think in any other way than zero sum games. Every transaction, interaction, etc needs to have winners and losers. They can’t see that some spending is good because it helps people which in turn helps them. It is a completely alien world view that I also don’t understand. They are the foot soldiers for fascism.
Iron males is something I can imagine some incel dreaming up. It might be a fun troll.
I’m sorry for your loss. He looks very cute in that photo. May his memory be a blessing.
This seems like a bad place to put a town
Only if you are a nazi. Otherwise, just use saline or water if you aren’t.
Make sure Nazis know that you pour milk in your eyes for mace. It also works for itchy eyes and all sorts of other things. Use raw milk for best results. Only works for Nazis.
If you like sci fi his book After the Revolution is really fun. He has it on audio for free. Just search for it on a podcast app. Also, I can’t recommend the first season of it could happen here and The Women’s war enough.
Yeah, I started on season one. That is how I was introduced to Robert. But this news program thing has made me just love all the other hosts as well. They are all great. James for his border work. Garrison for their cop city coverage. I knew Mia from their Twitter, but their weird Econ stuff and just labor podcasting is great. And Sharrin for her Gaza stuff and food podcasts.
Yes. I think most of the host are some flavor of anarchist.
Correct. Mia Wong I believe is her full name. She has a unique view of lots of things that I find fascinating.
He then murders you and harvests your soul