It’s also the same crap conservatives do with the government in general in the US. Cut budgets and make institutions dysfunctional, then say that the dysfunction indicates it should be privatized.
Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.
It’s also the same crap conservatives do with the government in general in the US. Cut budgets and make institutions dysfunctional, then say that the dysfunction indicates it should be privatized.
Eating it when I had zero tolerance was cool for a while. When I am smoking regularly though, I either don’t feel it or I take too much and feel awful.
my experience is more feeling woozy and tired, but we’re all unique
Cool, there’s always music at El Chapult… oh.
Campaigns don’t tend to be self-funded.
There used to be some with other pics.
Is there any greentext these days that doesn’t start with a Pepe?
Sure, she’s risking getting fired just for approaching him in a situation like Tinder. A romantic or sexual relationship with a student could get her fired, but especially explicitly in exchange for a grade, which was apparently not her idea.
Not too suave. Pretty sure “I’ll dick you down” isn’t going to work on most 36 year old ladies on tinder, especially in a transactional manner they could get fired for.
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help” is great when they call me back about my medical insurance that otherwise i couldn’t afford at all. Fuck Reagan. Government tickle monster though, no.
One of the few times I hope Christianity turns out to be true
That sounds/looks great! Just a giant sandwich pie on rye.
Ah, I missed that the hand was filled (?) with Greek salad. Phew, what a treat!
My main question is about the garnish… celery? cucumbers?
Killing the bacteria doesn’t solve the problem of bacterial growth. Bacteria can leave toxins which are not destroyed by heat.
In the days of text messaging I don’t know how a kid could forget. It’s “hey kid go do something now”.
It would be nice if it made sense, though. There’s not really time from when a kid gets hone from school (4 pm?) and when a parent gets home from work (6 pm?) for chicken to defrost in the refrigerator.
Yep, that’s an awful graph.