Does anyone have a go-to recipe?

  • The one recipe I make, more than any other, is bread. It’s fast, simple, and aside from being a nearly every-morning staple, it forms the basis for many if our lunches. I make this once a week, throughout the year, and I doubt we make any other single, non-trivial recipe more frequently.

    Unless “martini” is a recipe.

      • It’s one of the easiest bread recipes I’ve seen, and frankly just as good as and fussy recipe thay requires more steps. This one is just “put everything in a bowl and mix it.”

        Now, some breads do need more work that you really can’t simplify and still get the same result, like baguette. But I think people see bread recipes and think they’re a lot of work, get turned off, and never make their own bread. It’s a shame, because it doesn’t have to be hard, and it’s way cheaper - and IMO tastier - when it’s home made.

    211 months ago

    Getting good at making a simple pasta or rice can be super useful. I like making a Mexican bowl with beans, capsicum, beef mince, garlic and whatever else and then either having it with rice or corn chips etc

    • bobOP
      11 year ago

      Are you having that with coffee in the morning?

      • sobuddywhoneedsyou
        11 year ago

        I’m taking about instant noodles. There are Korean ones I found recently that are extremely spicy. They are called nongshim or something like that. Soya chunks I just buy from the store and chuck them in the water as it is boiling.

  • Rentlar
    1 year ago

    When I was in university I made my own creation: Poor Man’s Tuna Casserole. I’m a terrible and lazy chef.

    Step 1: Make a batch of Mac-n-Cheese (KD or offbrand KD if you’re Canadian).

    Step 2: Add a can of tuna (or a portion of a can if you are poor 😉)

    Bon appetit!

    • Mac and cheese is such a great base for meals! We do the same, and sometimes with burger. We often add peas to the tuna version, and onion to the burger version.

      This is a really great suggestion! Once you have the mac & cheese, you can create a bunch of different dishes!

      Also, my wife can’t have dairy, and we found a fantastic vegan mac & cheese by a company called Daiya. In our opinion, they’ve got the best-tasting dairy substitutes. They have a vegan cheddar cheese sauce and an alfredo sauce that’s really good, and also make standard mac & cheese boxes for quick-and-easy.

      Americans tend to think if mac & cheese as unhealthy comfort food, but it’s a great basis for a variety of dishes.

      +1 on your suggestion!

    11 year ago

    My go to recipe is a screw driver. One packet of orange tang, one pint vodka, one cup of water. Shake well. Chill before serving.

    • bobOP
      21 year ago

      Would that go well with orange cake?

    01 year ago

    A one pot pasta and lentils. In a pot caramelize onion and bell pepper, add lentils and tomato sauce, then after boiling them add the pasta.

        1 year ago

        With water of course 🤭

        Edit: and add salt for the pasta + I didn’t mention any spices but you may add your favorite mix.

  • Hellfire103
    1 year ago
    • Food: French onion soup
    • Dessert: Fruitcake
    • Cocktail: Cubata (my favourite) or Mojito (my friends’ favourite)
    01 year ago

    there’s a curry I make that’s got a texture close to ground beef chili with 100% less beef. I can post the recipe if anyone is interested but there are like a zillion ingredients so I’d rather there be actual interest before I do.

    • bobOP
      11 year ago

      I’m actually interested, what do you use instead of beef?