I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem and threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.
Aw, dip.
More Molotovs will help
I feel called out. I feel proud, but also sad. I feel proudsad. I feel prad.
Step 0
Empty the bottle.The problem is, I have a lot of them laying around and nothing to throw them at!
Move to the boonies. I used to throw these bad boys for fun all the time when I was a kid. You can also tape a bunch of match heads to the bottle and shoot it with an air rifle.
If I did that long enough, I’d be tossing Nuka-Grenades and not mere molotovs.
A fine vintage
Oh god wish they aren’t hurt by my cocktail
That’d probably have a vile smell when burning, damn
Geez, that shit’s going to fire! Fire everywhere!