• ilinamorato@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    “This social media app is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker! This is a late-stage social media app. It’s a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn’t nailed it to the perch, it would be pushin’ up the daisies! It’s run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! This is an X-Twitter!”

  • xantoxis@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I kind of hate when a meme is built from something I already know about because it’s impossible to appreciate a mid-tier gag like this when I know the point of the original sketch.

    John Cleese, here overlaid with Elon Musk’s head, is the protagonist in this sketch. He’s the one who’s actually being honest about what’s going on. Michael Palin, the vendor on the left, is lying about whether or not the bird he sold is dead. That’s the joke. That’s the point of the sketch. The humor isn’t that John Cleese killed the bird, it’s that Michael Palin sold him a dead bird.

    This meme would make sense if Musk bought an already dead platform, but that’s not what happened. Twitter was at its peak when he took the helm. He’s actually the one that killed it.

    This misses the whole point of the bit.

    • I see this trend on tiktok videos a lot where they take lines that were actually said and apply it to completely different situations and the meme falls flat if you know the context because the meme relies on ignoring or not knowing said context to even be remotely relevant.

    • Raku@lemmy.social.raku.party
      9 months ago

      Would be much more willing to chuckle at these memes if Twitter was actually dead but it isn’t, centralized social media and invasive advertising still exists, influencing still exists, we’re still in the spiral of enshitification.
      I find no joy in pretending like Twitter or what it upheld is actually gone.
      “Twitter was at its peak” what a joke, maybe for its shareholders.

  • Asafum@feddit.nl
    9 months ago

    Tin foil hat time!

    Elon wanted to kill it, and after successfully killing it he changed the icon to a literal X as in closed, or no as a “subtle” declaration.