Wait it’s all punctuation???
:.|:;Ohh my god
Oh I’m stealing that
Listen here you little shit
I’m so fucking made. But so fucking happy that this is still happening lol
I read it as “I’m at a loss for words.” right off the bat before I even realized what it was.
Clearly I have ascended to a higher plane of meme-istance
Congratulations, you are now allergic to grass.
:.|:;Outstanding work, I will be using this
Technically kanji refers to the Japanese writing system, loss is a logogram, English already has them (see $ and @)
My bank won’t let me see any $.
“first and only Kanji”.
If English had other logograms, I 🤔 what they’d be?
Aren’t emojis pictograms and ideograms but not usually logograms? They’re direct depictions of concepts, not usually direct stand-ins for words like logograms are.
Better examples of logograms in English I think are &, $, %, @,+,=, etc. We actually have a bunch we use all the time.
Specifically they said ‘Kanji’, though, so I think they’re talking more about the actual character structure of
:.|:;.People forgetting about “&.”
which works better?
I’d say the first looks closest to a real glyph
The last one looks closest to something I’d be arsed to scribble tho
If you’re trying for kanji like depictions then the first one but you have to work on your strokes. The box should be a single stroke for the top and the right line. But you gave me an idea for an art thingy in gonna create and hang in my apartment
:.|:;HOLY SHIT:.|:;I can be trusted with this
If you couldn’t, I’d be at a
:.|:;for words
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
You’re at a loss?
I second this. I get it’s all punctuation and that’s great but why does that symbol mean “loss”
It’s a reference to an entry in the webcomic series Ctrl+Alt+Del. The female lead has suffered a miscarriage, and this particular entry in the comic, titled Loss, depicts her boyfriend’s journey through the hospital, entering the front door alone, talking to the receptionist, talking to the doctor, then standing at her bedside.
Ctrl+Alt+Del competes (competed?) with Penny Arcade, it’s normally a lighthearted junk food entertainment kind of webcomic aimed at a gamer audience, that SUDDENLY slammed into very heavy material, and then SUDDENLY slammed back out of it. The comic became very widely mocked for the tone whiplash, and one notable form of mockery was making increasingly minimalistic representations of it, often with a “you just lost the game” kind of intention, ie how minimalistic can you go while still reminding others of the comic. A common depiction might be I Ii II I_ (one man standing, a man standing and a woman sitting, so she’s shorter, two men standing at equal height, and then a man standing and a woman lying down) but now
:.|:;is even more condensed while maintaining the four panel arrangement.This is a meme from 2008; it’s been going around awhile. So to those who have been long familiar with the meme that graphic kind of works like a hieroglyph or kanji character; it’s a very simplified depiction of something that carries a sound/concept. You kind of read it as the word “Loss.”
This is a meme from 2008;
Oh fuck I’m old. I was there when it was written.
Great explanation! Crazy how much depth of knowledge one needs to understand some memes nowadays…
But… the post tells you exactly what you need to know to look it up if you’re unfamiliar. Search loss meme.
Can’t believe the
:.|:;is still being felt all these years alter:.|:;Edit: cool
:.|:;Thanks for the instructions. Have a high five followed by a fist bump.
! !|!!And this one of a nuclear bomb exploding. Followed by a person being hit by the shock wave.
⅋|T:.|:;Holy shit
Is this loss?
There’s even a proper stroke order