Woah, woah woah, you want to FEED the people who grow and provide the food we eat, and build the things we use on a daily basis? Those are simple beginner jobs! And you want to house them?! You radical woke left liberal communist, probably DEI hire!
Real, I’ve been called a communist for believing that government should provide free addiction rehabilitation centers for homeless people instead of jailing them.
Well I think those homeless people should get a job at a grocery, get promoted to manager, and eventually be promoted to CEO. What don’t poor people understand about that?
This is why we end up with
i got called a communist for telling a guy who couldn’t buy 3 packages of toilet paper during covid.
it wasn’t even my rule it was management lol
“So anyways we should divert our taxes into a program so that everyone can have good healthcare”
I once told a guy I knew online that I was against microtransactions in games, because it directly incentivises bad user experiences for f2ps as well as shady business practices that ultimately prey on the users
He called me a fascist
Won’t someone think of the online casinos?
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up, don’t you think we need to meet half way between trying to make a more just society and trying to make a less just society? Extremism is bad after all, whether it’s for good things or bad things.
So true. Personally, I think we should meet in the middle with my rights and give me only a few, as a treat.